1 Samra – Zeitgeist (25.04.2025) 19. April 2024, 08:57 SAMRA - GESTÄNDNIS (prod. by Magestick & Lukas Piano) [Official Video] SAMRA – WEN VERMISSE ICH? (HÖRPROBE)
2 26. April 2024, 00:38 SAMRA - FEUER ÜBER DEUTSCHLAND I drink a lot of coffee before I go to sleep so I can dream faster.
3 24. Mai 2024, 05:23 SAMRA - WEG NACH OBEN I drink a lot of coffee before I go to sleep so I can dream faster.
4 2. August 2024, 05:14 SAMRA - BLOCKJUNGE I drink a lot of coffee before I go to sleep so I can dream faster.
5 23. August 2024, 04:54 SAMRA - YA HABIBI I drink a lot of coffee before I go to sleep so I can dream faster.
6 4. Oktober 2024, 05:14 SAMRA - ES TUT MIR LEID I drink a lot of coffee before I go to sleep so I can dream faster.
8 7. November 2024, 19:10 SAMRA - WENN DU MICH SIEHST (prod. by Lukas Piano & Maik The Maker) [Official Video] Premierenlink
9 22. November 2024, 05:26 SAMRA - NASSER ASPHALT I drink a lot of coffee before I go to sleep so I can dream faster.
10 3. Februar 2025, 20:12 BL-Newbee schrieb: DEN UMSTÄNDEN WIDERSPRECHEND EPISODE 1: Samra über Drogen-Probleme, Erfolg, Neid, seine Jugend uvm.